Comprehensive Education for the children in São Tomé with CACAE Association
We would like to thank our many friends and donors !
Since our public launch in 2020 amid the Covid crisis, we’ve garnered immense support from visitors to São Tomé, friends, family, and even those who’ve only heard of us. Individuals, clubs, and institutions generously aided our association, providing crucial educational materials. This page stands as a heartfelt tribute to all who supported us, extending our sincerest gratitude on behalf of our association.
We would like to thank our many friends and donors !
Since our public launch in 2020 amid the Covid crisis, we’ve garnered immense support from visitors to São Tomé, friends, family, and even those who’ve only heard of us. Individuals, clubs, and institutions generously aided our association, providing crucial educational materials. This page stands as a heartfelt tribute to all who supported us, extending our sincerest gratitude on behalf of our association.
Our many friends and Donors
Bank (anonymous)
Chess Equipment Portugal
Centro Escolar Tenente Valdez
Sport Equipment Portugal
ACE TEAM Tênis Clube
Tennis Equipment Portugal
Chess Equipment Portugal
Cl. Espertalões
Board Games Portugal
SF Damaiense
Soccer Equipment Portugal
Lucas S.
. Volunteer USA
Raquel C.
. Volunteer Portugal
. Volunteer Portugal
Paradise Tours
Financial Support São-Tomé & Principe
Dominique A.
Financial Donation France
José C.
Board Games Portugal
Tina Z.
Financial Donation Germany
Ivona R.
Financial Donation Portugal
Joe G.
Visitor - Donor England
Camille D.
Financial Donation Canada
Sybille C.
Recurrent Donation France
Ricardo S.
Financial Donation Portugal
Jessica W.
Financial Donation USA
Ina S.
Visitor - Board Games Germany
Jean-Pascal D.
Financial Donation Switzerland
Rashed A.
Financial Donation Middle-East
Marco Z.
Financial Donation Switzerland
Nicolas A.
Financial Donation France
Jeff G.
Financial Donation USA
Matej S.
Financial Donation Croatia
Torsten H.
Financial Donation Germany
Oliver L.
Financial Donation Germany
Rudolf N.
Financial Donation Germany
Heiko S.
Financial Donation Germany
Katharina S.
Financial Donation Germany
Alex B.
Financial Donation United Kingdom
Anne I.
Financial Donation United Kingdom
Gideon B.
Financial Donation United Kingdom
Umar A.
Financial Donation United Kingdom
Wim & Mariam W.
Financial Donation Netherlands
Rolinde V.
Financial Donation Netherlands
Shawn C.
Financial Donation USA
Isaac L.
Financial Donation USA
Emma C.
Financial Donation USA
Stepha C.
Financial Donation France
Carole B.
Financial Donation France
J-Maxime Guyot
Founder São-Tomé and Príncipe
Capoeira (since 2023) São-Tomé and Príncipe
Capoeira (2021-22) São-Tomé and Príncipe
. Supervisor (2019-2023)
Manuel D. Rodrigues
Chess sets donation - Portugal